When this life knocks you down, I hope you get down on your knees 'cause that's what I do when I pray for you. |
Berit may look like her daddy but she does so many things that I do from sleeping the same to poking her lip out when she's sad, a classic baby Courtney trademark.
When I first became pregnant I remember this overwhelming feeling of anxiety.
How am I supposed to teach this little person to be a good big person?
My dad said for me to just be a good person so she would know what one looks like.
I thought I had it bad when Charlie watched me constantly, but now that I've got little eyes on me 24/7. I have to really pay attention.
One of the things I've been working on with her is praying at meal times and bedtime.
This is something Charlie took to quickly and loves to lead us in prayer now so he was so excited when I told him last week that Berit was finally picking up on it.
He grabbed her chubby hand over their Mexican food and they both bowed their heads to bless our burritos.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't sneak a peak at the two of them.
My bestest friend praying with my favorite person was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
He said, "Amen" and Nana immediately clapped. "Yay, Jesus!" we said at the table.
Over the course of the past two weeks I've seen her mimic more and more as she shakes her finger and at the dogs to say, "no no" or wants me to carry her so we can turn off all of the lights in the house then say, "all gone!"
When we're in the car we are entertaining in our own private concert featuring Mommy and Berit.
I haven't always been comfortable raising my hands to God in worship, something Brett does often and I've always admired.
Before I was pregnant I went to church with Brett's family and one of his little cousins, who was around 2 at the time, was in the arms of her grandmother.
As her grandmother lifted her hands during the song and said, "Hallelujah" baby Abbie closed her eyes and lifted her hands the exact same way to say "Hallelujah."
I remember my jaw dropping as this little girl mimicked what she saw in the most genuine way.
I immediately thought, I want my child to do that.
Flash forward to several years later, and Berit and I are in the car singing one of our favorites (because I can hit the high notes) “O'Lord” by Lauren Daigle.
Berit is bobbing her head and then the chorus hits.
"Oh, O'Lord O'Lord I know You hear my cry/ Your love is lifting me above all the lies/No matter what I face this I know in time/You'll take all that is wrong and make it right"
I have my elbow resting on the armrest and my hand up and open.
I glance in the back, and both of my child's chubby little arms are up and above her head as she bobs along to the song.
It took my breath away.
It was the most pure, innocent worship I've ever seen and it was beautiful.
Oh, I know she'll grow up someday, but I hope she takes her time because I know one day she'll be worried about who is watching.
I hope, and pray, she'll remember the most important one watching is the one she's lifting those hands for.
This article first appeared in The Bolivar Commercial.
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